X Stand (X Stand, X Banner)
Unthika RoekwibunsiX Stand (X Stand) X Banner is a device for Public relations advertisements are used as promotional media at points of sale for displaying images or promotions. Products are not very high priced. It is an advertising billboard that looks like a tripod sign. It has an X -shaped stand that is lightweight and can be moved. convenient Strong stand, thick steel legs, well painted with good quality work box, the size of X stand that is commonly used is 60×160 and 80 × 180 . Indoor) such as product exhibitions, booths, events, seminars, economical prices , clear images, bright colors, folding materials, easy to store. Comes with a bag, convenient to carry to various events The clip holds the job smoothly. Portable, easy to carry, lightweight, cost-effective , affordable , good quality work guaranteed.
Advantages of X-stand
- Easy to carry, lightweight
- Easy to move
- Stand sign for all types of indoor events
- Cost-effective, inexpensive
Disadvantages of X-stand
- Lightweight, making it not suitable for outdoor work that may be windy.
Looking for good quality advertising media that meets the problem, low price, recommend Ek Stan (X Stand) , good work, quality, reliable , clear color printing with 6 color printer, smooth picture, guaranteed clear, beautiful, fresh, excellent quality, fine print, 1440 DPI, laminated coating. On the printed surface, anti-scratch, waterproof, good work, no disappointment. Advertising billboard material X Stand (Ex-Stan), good quality, standard , cheap price , angled support rod Sturdy stand with good quality carrying case. Good work, reliable quality, urgent work, urgent work, make it fast, guarantee work standards Urgent work does not reduce quality. definitely not disappointed

Interested in creating various types of decoration media for events, booths, such as Vinyl Banner, Tent Card, Standee, Roll up, X-Stand, J-Flag, Backdrop, Coupon, Wobbler, Troop Sign, Cheering Sign, Sweepstakes Box, etc. Beautiful colors, fast work, let's speed up to sell and make a profit. Smooth printing with CcMmYK 6-color ink system that offers wider color gamut. Suitable for food photos, skin tones, landscapes, colorful product images.
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