corporate identity เอกลักษณ์ของแบรนด์ โลโก้แบรนด์ การเลือกใช้สีของแบรนด์ให้ตรง CI

What is Corporate Identity (CI)?

Octopusmedia Admin

In today's competitive business environment, brand identity is an important factor that tells us who we are and how we are different from others in the market. Corporate Identity was born to help create brand differences and help the product or organization brand become more well-known and memorable.

What is Corporate Identity?

Corporate Identity or CI for short , which means identity design to make the identity or unique characteristics of the brand memorable to consumers. Customers will be able to recognize what the image, thoughts, and style of that brand is like. It's like the unique characteristics of a person that make us remember them, whether it's gender, appearance, personality, tastes, preferences. The principles in designing the identity of an organization or product brand, the first and foremost important elements are:

Logo is a symbol or design that uses images, colors or letters to communicate the unique identity of a brand or organization.

Typography | Font is a font, a typeface used in design. Generally, around 2-3 fonts are used. The type of font and size used depends on the type of text.

Color is another element that will help customers or consumers remember the product's logo more easily. Choosing different colors will give different feelings. If the colors are chosen appropriately, it will help the brand's identity to be more widely recognized.

Why should businesses have a Corporate Identity?

Among many business competitors in the market, creating a corporate identity or brand or having a Corporate Identity will allow the general public or customers to be able to clearly recognize your identity and create recognition for consumers, making your business stand out from competitors. Which may require information marketing to be included, such as graphic design , illustrator, photoshop, making vinyl signs , company signs , acrylic signs or others, depending on your needs.

Simply put , CI is important for design, construction, graphic, and marketing teams because it makes it easier for customers to remember the brand, look more professional, and clearer, and can be applied to communicate in a variety of ways.

Corporate Identity Framework Corporate Identity or Brand

Who can help you build your brand and make your presentation in line with your Corporate Identity ?

To add value to your business marketing media to be a memorable brand, Octopus Media Solutions can provide you with a full range of advertising media design and production services. We offer services from the beginning to installation. We have a team of technicians to service until the job is finished. We provide advertising media design and production services of all types, such as stickers , car stickers , glass stickers , wall stickers , vacuum stickers , Japanese flags , Japanese signs , booth equipment , roll ups, standees, backdrops, as well as sign production , POSM, POP Display, all types of printed marketing media. We focus on creating a selling point and we understand our customers' needs very well. Therefore, you can be confident when using our services.

Examples of good Brand Book or Brand Guideline files to create clarity in Corporate Identity and clear communication with the brand can be viewed at

Another interesting example is a good reference (Cr. Imagination).

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Emblem can be used as a guideline.

The original Bangkok emblem from the Royal Gazette – Image from Farmgroup

“The only original logo that exists is at the National Archives , where anyone can go and see, ‘This is the Bangkok logo.’ It is not a file, but an image on paper that has been around for maybe 10 years. It looks like they scanned it or took a photo and put it in that book. The clarity is low.”

  1. There is only one original logo of Bangkok, which is kept in the National Archives. It is an image on paper that has been through a lot of time, so it is not very clear.
  2. Making a new logo It's like taking the same photo with a new camera that gives you more clarity, but some details may change, such as turning a circle into a square.
  3. This original logo was drawn by His Royal Highness Prince Narisara Nuvadtivongse (Somdej Kru) as a gift to King Rama VI. Later, Bangkok adopted it as the city's symbol.
  4. The digital logo was edited several times, causing some of the jewelry details to be distorted.
  5. The agreement with the BMA is to change the logo to be as similar as possible to the image in the Royal Gazette. No further changes are allowed.
  6. This new logo design uses the original drawings of Somdej Kru in the Khlong Toei Palace Museum and the emblem drawn by the Fine Arts Department in the National Archives to study and create anew.

Compare the original letters from the original logo with the letters

In the re-proportioned logo – Image from Farmgroup

From the Naris font to the 'Sao Chingcha' identity font

The Bangkok identity font, named "Sao Chingcha", was designed by the Farmgroup team, based on the letters "Bangkok" on the original emblem, which was drawn by Prince Narisara Nuvadtivongs.

The team studied the handwriting and writing methods of Somdej Kru's "Naris" or "Ribbon" letters and adapted them to be modern while still maintaining the cultural feel.

'Sao Chingcha' font 

Consisting of 3 weights: Light, Regular and Bold, which are produced by the 'Katatrad' team. Help develop the Sketch Design of the letters to be a complete set, including managing the coding system that will turn all the letters into fonts that are fully functional in Bangkok's communication.

In addition to the main identity system, Farmgroup also creates signature graphics to further strengthen the identity system. They redesign the Vajra, Indra's weapon, to create a modern proportion and then use some parts on occasion to add flavor to the graphic design.

Photo from Farmgroup

and take all the graphic elements and experiment with them to create a Mock Up image.

To explore the possibilities of multidimensional applications

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